Liqa Concept
Liqa Concept is a redesign of the Quokka
Bottle brand, using The innovative UV-C-LED technology to purify your water in a
natural way. The Liqa Quokka Bottles, come with the ability to recycle and
purify your
water, allowing you to always have fresh water a bottle away. The product
consists of steel bottle, with a diameter of 80 mm and a height of 240 mm,
with a capacity of 0.5 L.
The inside rubber coating contains chemicals
react with UV rays from the sun to eliminate harmful bacterial from the
water, in short, Liqa Quokka Bottles are reusable. Liqa is
about living a healthy, happy and flexible lifestyle, in unity with nature.

The Design Process
My aim was to create UI designs that engaged the user and persuaded them to try out the new Liqa bottles. The design I came up with was a mixture of minimalism and flat design, with a dash of custom- made typography. My inspiration came from product websites like Apple and Samsung. In the end I designed a full e-commerce website together with the mobile app, mock-ups and prototypes. This design package is currently being pitched to Quokka Bottle Inc.